The importance of spreading values within the company

People in charge of training and development are facing a double challenge today:

-on the one hand, preparing people and companies to remain competitive in the age of digital acceleration,

-on the other hand, teaching people to slow down and put value on relationships, in order to guarantee a conscious evolution of human resources within the contexts in which they operate.

This second challenge is the most important and demanding.

The increasingly frenetic and competitive world of work, leads markets to focus on quantity rather than quality, forcing people to generate more and more until they forget the sense why we do what we are doing.

This perceptible social malaise is a symptom of the lack of values ​​and of their spontaneous sharing in society. Life values are often absent in work contexts, instead in this specific context values should be cultivated more, as work is now the category of life that prevails during the existence of people.

The training of adults in companies has an important responsibility, which is to bring individuals back to a more human dimension and to offer them a place and a moment to get in touch with others, in order to fulfil that sense of emptiness given by the absence of quality in interpersonal relationships.

Nowadays, it is essential to teach people how to co-create with other human beings in energies of joy and enthusiasm, in order to guarantee the development and continuity of the meaning of life in the community in which they exist.

Quantasia SA has specialized in the creation of trainings capable of generating qualitative leaps and social well-being in work teams, thus helping companies to create work environments that are performing and aware at the same time.

It is what we already think we know that prevents us from learning new things
Claude Bernard

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