School transformation project: the benefits of Neuro Emotional Education in schools!

Scholastic education is mainly focused on the transfer of theoretical concepts that are put into application through projects or study tasks, in order to integrate learning. This is a mind training: logical reasoning, critical thinking, planning, information organization, management skills etc.

Our society creates extraordinary professionals who are able to proficiently use their mind and knowledge in carrying out projects or achieving results.

Now, the human being is to be considered as a complex system: mind, brain and body. And it is in the body that emotions, moods, feelings and sensations are expressed, the mind basically seats on the health and well-being of the brain and body.

A body in a state of anxiety or stress is not able to support and contribute to a healthy, focused mind, capable of maintaining the necessary focus to accomplish goals and co-create in harmony with other human beings.

The people who are most fulfilled in life are not those who possess more goods, but rather those who have been able to create an inner environment of well-being and balance.

A mind resting on a body that is tired, stressed or filled with negative emotions will tend to focus its attention on what is not working, on failures and on what it does not like and does not want. This is a pessimistic mind that implements internal strategies that can self-sabotage any human being and interpersonal relationships.

The education of the future has an integral awareness of the human being and offers the growth and development of humanity through a holistic approach able to embrace the entirety of the being.

When schools’ teachers come into my classrooms, they are often skeptical and look at me with a bit of prejudice, especially PhDs and university lecturers. They do not truly believe in what I explain to them, even though my lessons are supported by academic papers, until they try to train their brains personally, and the magic of life and awareness is operated and manifested!

When people try to apply the techniques from the Neuro Emotional Education, such as those of the SANE method, they no longer need to understand with logic and conceptualise. They remain in silent, listening themselves, their inner consciousness, pervading themselves with the awareness of life. At the end of my trainings, people thank me with sweet smiles. I can see the change in their eyes and the quantum and qualitative leap they experienced, and I know that their life will never be the same.

I am convinced that courses on personal development based on Neuro-Emotional Education (Brain Training) should be compulsory for teachers and professors above all. A training to help them understand and know each other in order to enable other human being, of which they are partly responsible, to flourish in the best possible way respecting the ecology of life.

With talent you win matches, but it is with teamwork and intelligence that championships are won
Michael Jordan

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