The Opinion of Claudia Vece

Increase your emotional well-being

Thanks to psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) studies, it is now proven that positive emotions increase well-being in all its forms: they increase the defenses of the immune system, increase vitality and energy in the body, promote mental clarity and improve concentration. The importance of taking care of one’s emotional well-being is therefore of vital importance to improve the quality of one’s life.

Emotions are informational molecules, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters, which are created and released by the body. The natural condition of the body is to create emotions of well-being and to transform negative emotional states into emotional states of well-being. By observing children, we can understand this phenomenon: they live naturally and spontaneously in emotional well-being, their bodies spontaneously produce sensations of joy and love, they are always ready to give a hug and to rejoice by being surprised by life experiences. Children can go from malaise to well-being in an instant, one moment they cry and are sad and the next they are joyful and run to play. This is because their nervous system has the ability to create neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in the body and having not yet developed the analytical brain (the mental) they do not focus on pain and suffering and do not try to control emotions, but simply transform them into total spontaneity.

In adulthood it can happen that we lose touch this innate ability to transform the emotions of malaise into well-being, finding ourselves living in negative moods for long periods: anxieties, frustration and fears settle and become our state of being.

All human beings have the innate ability to quickly pass from sadness to joy or from anger to love and vice versa, if we had this ability as children, we have it in adulthood.

Emotions are energy in motion, they are not there to harm us, but to help the body create energy and allow us to act in one direction or another in our life. Depending on the emotions we create, we do not have the same fuel that creates our behavior and therefore we will not engage our physiology in the same way. Behaviors and actions driven by emotions such as anger, anxiety or frustration tend to damage our life experiences, our relationships and diminish our potential, while emotions of joy, love and sharing, will tend to create value for us and the others.

In adulthood it is possible to recreate and train this innate ability to transform negative moods into moods of well-being in an instant. Our body is able to do this, but if we live in emotional distress, it means that we have lost this ability. By making use of neuro-emotional transformation techniques, we can acquire the tools to increase our emotional well-being, by training the emotions of well-being we can recreate a harmonious internal state that spontaneously flows within us.


There is nothing immutable, except the need to change.

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