Living with anxiety: how to recognize it and how to face it

“Anxiety it’s like a rocking chair, you keep moving, but you don’t take a step forward” – Jodi Picoult

Have you ever felt suffocated by your own thoughts and fears? Have you ever felt your heart beating so hard to believe you can not survive?

If the answer at these questions is yes, don’t be alarmed, you have simply met anxiety on your path.

Although it seems hard to believe it, anxiety is a common problem to many people, in fact, all of us throughout our life have been confronted with it. School exams, a job interview, health problems, are just a few examples among the many situations in which, feeling a slight anxiety, is a normal condition. The problem occurs when anxiety becomes the master of your life, dragging you into an emotional state of perpetual impatience, dissatisfaction, fear and frustration, even in moments when you should be relaxed or thoughtless!Staying stuck in a negative current dominated by anxiety, will lead you, over time, to self-sabotage your life, your relationships, your work and your well-being. In fact, a constant and high level of anxiety prevents you from accessing your inner abilities and resources that allow you to face the changes and challenges of everyday life.

But then, how to understand if you really suffer from anxiety? There are several symptoms, these can be both cognitive and somatic and vary from person to person, here are some examples:·       Fear of failure·       Irritability·       Sensation of constant alarm ·       Tachycardia·       Attention deficit·       Stomach ache·       Excessive sweating·       Muscle contractions·       Dizziness·       ….

Recognizing the symptoms of generalized anxiety is not a simple operation, before making a self-diagnosis it is recommended to take medical examination, also to check if there are any major imbalances or organic causes underlying the discomfort.

Managing anxiety and knowing how to deal with it, it is a courageous undertaking, especially in a frenetic society that daily confronts you with numerous commitments, both personal and professional.

But there is a solution: the real transformation start from within you! It is useless to try to convince yourself that the situation will improve over time, when you change jobs or finish your studies.What you need is to find the balance between your thoughts and your emotions, only in this way you will no longer be victim of external circumstances and emotional blackmails coming from your environment, and therefore you will master your internal state of well-being.

How to get these results?Life Coaching is a path of personal growth, which allows you to improve your quality of life to live in balance with yourself and others.The Life Coaching of Quantasia is aimed at anyone who is tired of waiting for serenity that never come and that finally wants to face a change with an effective method that simply allows you to feel good and be happy.

Anxiety is like a rocking chair, you are always on the move but you don't step forward
Jodi Picoult

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