Neuro Emotional Coaching
Neuro Emotional Coaching

Neuro Emotional Coaching is an experience of profound transformation that converges the techniques of Mental Coaching and Neuro Training to activate the innate potential.

Conceived on the principles of neuroscience, biology and quantum physics with the practical integration of neurologically sequenced active meditations, Neuro Emotional Coaching allows you to independently train the nervous system to create greater well-being and focus on goals.

Neuro Emotional Coaching aims to train mind and body to work together and in the same direction, that of your personal and professional goals with greater confidence and in emotional well-being. Emotional well-being is what the mind and body need to go through life’s challenges in balance and with enthusiasm.

By training your neurology, you will be able to eliminate the limiting emotional blocks and the disempowering beliefs recorded at the subconscious level that inhibit the ability to feel confident and create opportunities in your life. You will learn to let go of the malaise and become emotionally independent without being anymore a victim of external circumstances and your past. By training the focus of thought and the harmonization of emotions, you will activate unexpected potential, greater creativity and intuition.

Request a free, no-obligation meeting lasting thirty minutes via zoom or in our Lugano offices.

Coaching is provided on-site in Lugano (Ticino) or online


Alignment with your own values. Increase in wellbeing and drastic decrease in negative emotional states (helplessness, uncertainty, …) and stress. Increase in motivation and focus, definition of short, medium and long-term objectives.


Increase in self-confidence, self-esteem and desire to outdo yourself and obtain more results. Greater awareness of your own potential and birth of an optimistic and influential personality which gets involved in the change process. Qualitative leap in all spheres of life.


Integration of the acquired strategic notions and techniques, beginning of the autonomy and self-coaching process. Connection to intuition and activation of innate resources. Total wellbeing, high emotions and alignment. Increase of PEMA® and manifestation of results.

Neuro Emotional Coaching is recommended for those:

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