Ten internal strategies for success

Dieci strategie del successo

Have you ever felt stuck in your choices? Not feeling the right motivation to take action and achieve your goals? Or finding yourself in front of obstacles that you had not considered?

We often tend to look outside ourselves for the causes of our failures and of our laziness, to justify to ourselves that the fault of the failures are not attributable to us. Generally, we implement this involutive and self-sabotaging mechanism to avoid confrontation with the part of us that, if urged, would drag us through a change, forcing us to assume our responsibilities.

All the results we obtain in life depend on the degree of responsibility that we decide to take on. The more responsible we are, investing TIME, ENERGY, THOUGHTS and MONEY in our goals, the more we achieve results that lead us to our dreams.

Taking responsibilities, is knowing how to calculate with anticipation the price to pay that will emerge from our choices and our actions. Every choice we take in life, brings a price to pay with it. Knowing how to identify it, allow us to escape possible traps and to save TIME, ENERGY, THOUGHTS and MONEY, in order to avoid starting all over again.

To unlock laziness and begin taking actions that bring concrete results, you can put in place some simple strategies, which will be very effective in a short time:

– Definite con chiarezza ciò che desiderate, invece di mettere l’attenzione su ciò che non volete. Il cervello lavora seguendo le immagini che gli mostrate nella vostra mente e cercherà sempre di farvele viverle. La parola “non” è illeggibile per il nostro sistema nervoso, il nostro processore non la riconosce. Per esempio, dire a un bambino “non andare a giocare a bordo piscina” significa dare al suo sistema nervoso l’immagine del bordo piscina, probabilmente sarà attirato dall’andare proprio lì.

– Clearly define what you want, instead of focusing on what you do not want. The brain works by following the images you show to it in your mind and it will always try to make you live them. The word “not” is illegible for our brain, our processor does not recognize it. For example, telling a child “do not go playing poolside” means giving his nervous system the image of the poolside, and probably will be attracted by going right there.

– Divide your big challenges in small steps! For your brain, big projects then become digestible and achievable and will take you more easily to what you want. If the goals are too big, the brain can get scared, feel tired and give up before you even start. Define short, medium and long-term goals.

– Do not compare yourself to other people, everyone has his experience and is driven by their motivations, which are inevitably different from yours. Every human being is unique, has his own system of values, his beliefs, his needs and his dreams. Bring your uniqueness and your value to life by putting your talents and gifts at the service of others!

– Recognize your victories and value the actions and behaviours you perform. Congratulating yourself is the first source of motivation! When you value the person you are, what you do for yourself and for others, you produce hormones that lead you to feel good and stimulate the brain to go towards what you want.

– Ascoltate sempre la vostra bussola interiore! Solo voi sapete cosa è giusto per voi stessi.

– Put pleasure in your daily actions, instead of advancing in perfectionism mode! Often, unhappy and frustrated people are those who are not able to wear the value of pleasure in the morning before leaving home and are the ones who tend to nit-pick over tiny details.

– Observe every little step forward, what works and what you possess in the present moment, instead of observing what does not work and what you do not have. This mental attitude allows you to feel satisfaction and to create motivation to move towards your future. You are the one who are responsible for where you direct your observation and how you decide to interpret the world around you!

– Always listen to your inner compass! Only you know what is right for you.

– Spend time with people who support you in your choices and that encourage you to perform better! Avoid people who are negative, dramatic, envious and with limiting thoughts and avoid people who tend to pull you down. Prefer dreamers, stimulating and determined people.- Create successful relationships! Remember that those who succeed in life, learned how to co-create with other human beings and are well aware that they are not going anywhere on their own.

– Open up to the field of possibilities, be optimistic and smiling, you will attract what you need in order to succeed! Be the person you wish to meet on your journey!

Self-confidence is the first secret of success
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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