Common sense extends life

Well-being is cultivated with common sense, with daily acts and small rituals that in the long-term reward with psycho-physical health.

Health is not something that belongs to us, it is like a seed that we hold in our hands for which we have responsibility. We must take care of it, day after day, in order to allow it to sprout and become a strong and robust plant.

Health is not intrinsic to the human system, as are our fingers or our feet, but it is a precious gift, always on the move, that life entrusts to us. Health is therefore linked to prevention, while the disease to treatment.

I often explain to my Clients that 95% of our life is guided and managed by our subconscious and that we, consciously, are in charge of very few actions. In fact, we believe we make choices but almost all the activities and gestures we do every day are guided by our subconscious.

For example, if while driving the car we are absorbed in our thoughts, whoever drives the vehicle is the “drive the car” program that has been integrated on a subconscious level. And this is true of everything: for food choices, sport, how we relate … We have created, with the repetition of our thoughts, our emotions and of our gestures, habits that are actually programs.

If we want to make changes in our lifestyle, improve our well-being and manifest a new reality that satisfies us more, we are obliged to review and rewrite some of our programs. This requires consistency, patience and motivation to go through the change that brings the discomfort of the transformation with it, until the creation of the new automatism.

The four conscious actions on which we can intervene, that significantly change our state of well-being and the achievement of our objectives, are:

The creation of empowering thoughts and the creation of emotions of well-being

The choice of the elements that pass through our mouth: there are those that sustain life (nutrients such as mineral salts, vitamins, fibers, biological water, …) and those that damage us and lead us to death (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, …)

The protection of our body from environmental damage

Movement and sport

It’s easier said than done, we only speak about that 5% of decisions that we can consciously take. Taking care of oneself requires our presence in the here-and-now and self-referentialism that examines what is right for us at the precise moment in which we are acting.

Health is self-education that is built with the repetition of gestures. Within few months we can create new subconscious programs that work for us that create our new reality. Initially, the subconscious will challenge us trying to self-sabotage our mission, the discomfort we will feel is only our subconscious, who is making an effort to integrate a new way of functioning.

If we really want a change in our habits we must undergo one of the neurological rules of success “we cannot subtract a behaviour, but we can only add new behaviours”. This means that we shall not be concentrated on removing something, but we rather shall be focus on adding something new!

Here below there are some examples of new habits that you can integrate into your daily life:


  • Add at least a portion of four types of vegetables to each meal. A portion can be calculated using the size of the palm of your hand.
  • Pick up the habit of eating fruit in the middle of the afternoon to avoid getting too hungry at dinner time and gorging yourselves on food.
  • Favour plant proteins rather than animal ones.
  • Prefer whole and low-gluten foods. Whole foods are slow absorption sugars and help to reduce the sense of hunger, whereas refined foods (sugar, pasta, white bread …) are fast absorption sugars, which tend to make you put on weight as they generate addiction, therefore you always desire more and by consequence your body become more acid.
  • Learn to eat nourishments, not products! The nutrients are for example vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins; products are pizza, hamburgers, chips … these are poor in nutritional values.
  • Eat at the same time and avoid sitting at the table in a state of stress. When you are stressed, the body cannot absorb the nutritional elements because the blood is in the muscles rather than in the digestive tract. By not absorbing nutritional values, you would be increasingly hungry as the brain will continue to send food demand impulses to make the whole system work.
  • Drink two decilitres of water every hour. The body will retain less liquids because it knows that others will come. Moreover, the feeling of hunger is often linked to the lack of liquids, not to a lack of food.

Thoughts and emotions

  • Your observation creates your reality. Learn to use thoughts in a constructive and winning way, for example observe the victories, your successes and everything that has worked in your past to feel secure, certain and confident.
  • Learn to focus on what works and what you already own in the present moment, in this way you will feel satisfied and grateful.
  • Learn to observe what you desire, your dreams, in this way you feel the enthusiasm, instead of observing what you do not want, activating anxiety and fear towards your future.
  • Welcome people positively in your mind, giving them good intentions.
  • Observe your uniqueness and do not compare yourselves with other human beings.
  • Prioritize and postpone to tomorrow what you cannot do today, accepting that you are not able to do everything and abandoning performance anxiety and perfectionism.

Body and movement

The body needs to feel alive and life is movement! To create well-being learn to breathe with the diaphragm and to make regular movement, the one that is most suitable for you. In fact, these two actions help to calm the mind, purify the body, relieve pain, rediscover the smile, improve circulation, improve posture, regain energy and regulate body weight.

Just allow twenty minutes of movement in nature a day and focus on your breathing to feel the immediate benefit.

Taking care of yourself means to put in place little rituals of well-being in your daily life, taking responsibility for yourself, remembering that, in any case, no one will ever do it for you.

Common sense often hides out of fear of common sense

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