Claudia Vece’s opinion

Finding your life’s mission

Every human being dreams of living a life that flows harmoniously between events and circumstances, but paradoxically, as strong as it is the desire to achieve this state of well-being and harmony, it seems out of reach for many. Some people unconsciously desist from trying to improve their lives, accepting to live an existence that does not fully correspond to them. We are all destined to evolve, but when this happens in accordance with our values, our talents and our visions, we feel on a mission.

When the desire to shed light emerges, the journey to meet oneself begins; a personal search to understand who we are, what inspires us and where we want to go. However, it is not enough to understand this only with the head, but it is essential to orient oneself in the search for oneself with one’s feelings, through the emotions that represent the language of the soul. Children are spontaneously connected to their emotions, they feel and perceive even before understanding and conceptualizing with the mind, they are guided by their internal compass that direct them towards what inspires them and makes them feel animated. In adulthood, due to the constant challenges we are called to face, we distance ourselves from this innate ability to feel and it can happen that we lose our bearings.

The first step is to reconnect with one’s feelings, taking the time to bring attention back to the inner world and abandon the illusion that the answers and direction come from the outside world.

In Japanese there is a concept, a lifestyle, which approaches completeness as a life cycle of the different evolutionary areas; the term is Ikigai (生 き 甲 斐), which literally means “The reason to get up every morning“. Ikigai is summarized as follows:

– What you love doing → Passion

– What the world needs → Mission

– What you can do (at best) → Vocation

– What to get paid for → Profession

Each area has the same importance and there are no priorities, but the purpose is to make them converge and dance with each other to achieve happiness and well-being. By cultivating awareness, gratitude, kindness, forgiveness and self-care, the real meanings emerge as if by magic, which guide the evolutionary process and lead to a full and satisfying life. It is therefore essential to undertake a path of awareness and care for one’s person, since until the mind and soul are healed, life will always be a run-up that will inevitably lead to greater tiredness and disorientation.

It is also essential to allow yourself to have new experiences, to try different and still unexplored paths. The human brain is curious and in the “new” we perceive what resonates with us and what inspires us. The human being has always wondered about the reason for being and what one is led to do and waiting for something to happen in our life without stimulating the events is an attitude to be avoided. It is our responsibility to take action and embark on new adventures to discover passions still unknown to us.

By discovering our talents, we will be able to put our gifts at the service of others and we will be able to feel part of a project that goes beyond our very existence. To find our mission is therefore a journey of exploration of one’s own being that is worth undertaking to experience a fully human life.


When you do something noble and beautiful and no one notices it don't be sad: the sun every morning is a beautiful sight and yet most of the audience is still asleep.
John Lennon

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