Brain & Body Wellness

Is Life Coaching suitable for everyone? Are there disadvantages?


Claudia Vece – 28 July 2022

Although life coaching brings tremendous benefits and results in most people’s lives, it is not suitable for everyone.

To understand if life coaching is right for you, you should know what a life coach does but you should also know what a life coach is not about and when it is recommended to seek other types of support.

Here are some scenarios where life coaching may not work for you:


If you are looking for an instant and quick transformation perhaps it is better to know right away that there is no such thing. A change or a process of personal transformation requires the right time, since it is both a process of awareness and a change in the way of thinking, perceiving reality, feeling emotions and behaving.

Just think of the time it takes to lose weight when starting a diet: even in this case it is a process of personal transformation. This physical transformation, which seems only linked to weight loss, involves many more aspects of life than you think, for example the emotional, mental, psychological, behavioural and relational aspects.

So, if you’re looking for the magic pill for instant results, you’re not looking for a life coach.


Life coaches have many roles, but they are not therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists. They have been trained to ask questions and help you observe your life from different perspectives, they are prepared to motivate you in order to step out of the comfort zone and review your limiting mental patterns to overcome them.

Life coaches therefore lack the skills to solve mental health problems such as depression or severe anxiety.See your doctor if you think you have a problem, never underestimate important symptoms or signs your body is sending back to you.


Life coaching is a process of growth, awareness and responsibility.

The life coach encourages you to take responsibility for what you have co-created with others and therefore to not feel as a victim. The life coaching path is something you must desire, something that pushes you to want to be the best version of yourself.

Don’t start a journey with a life coach if you don’t want to. Life coaching is suitable for you only if you are ready to get involved to concretely improve your life.


There are many misconceptions about what life coaching really is and the value it brings to people’s lives. If you are a sceptic, now it is time to examine some misconceptions and myths about life coaching.

Here are some of the most common:

Is it true that anyone can be a life coach?

While it can be said that anyone can take coaching courses, the real life coach has a rich life experience, acquired skills and the application of successful strategies in their own life.

Here are some practical examples:

  • Often life coaches were trained in parallel with a job with important roles, they were trained both to improve themselves as people and to improve themselves as leaders.
  • Life coaches in their growth path wanted to understand the relationship with themselves and resolve their relationship with others before guiding other people to awareness and relational success.
  • The life coach has an out of the ordinary experiential baggage, often with crazy life experiences.
  • The life coach has acquired tools and techniques that are applied in their life.
  • Real life coaches are sensitive to values ​​such as care, love and sharing combined with natural predisposition to overcome themselves in life, which leads to bring others with them.

Is it true that life coaching is a kind of therapy?

Many people wonder about the difference between coaching and therapy. Life coaching is focused on your present and on the strategies and awareness you need in order to achieve your future goals. Therapy, on the other hand, focuses more on your past and seeks to deepen and make sense of past actions and patterns. Life coaches are not health professionals and therefore do not diagnose, cure or prescribe drugs. They are rather coaches and facilitators, so when you choose to work with a life coach, you have decided to “go to the gym of life”.

Is it true that coaching is only for people who have problems or that cannot make it on their own?

Let’s take athletes for example, sportsmen who want to achieve great results have a sports coach. Equally, life coaching is for those who want to improve their performance in life to achieve better results in less time.

Is it true that the coach lets you let off steam and then only gives you a couple of pieces of advice?

Coaches need to have great listening skills, but offering high-quality coaching is more than just giving advice. It requires the coach to be able to draw on a deep base of knowledge, experience and training to create unique solutions for each scenario. The coaches are objective and give impartial opinions on how to move towards your goals, they work with you to help you identify your inner blocks and solve them through the training of reasoning, thinking and emotions.

There is a reason why life coaching is the second fastest growing profession in the world: because it works and helps people. If you are ready to truly maximize your human potential and to take your life to the next level, then it’s time to seek out a life coach.

If you live in Lugano or Ticino, contact us at Quantasia SA and our life coach Claudia Vece will meet you for free to listen to your story and your goals and to evaluate what the benefits could be for you if you wanted a personalized path.

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